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24 hour worldwide sales & Support

Website Bundle Deal
Divi 4  or Divi Builder
$149 Yearly *
Do It Yourself or Hire Us!

For most projects this is a perfect fit. The Website Bundle Deal renews next year at the same price. That’s totally up to you if you want to keep the site going or not.
If your not sure what’s best for you, let’s visit about it before you spend a dime!

Online Editing Divi 4

Theme, Divi-4 or Builder Included!

The website your viewing now is using our 2GB Startup Hosting Package which also includes cPanel. Has everything a business informative website needs. You can also create from scratch and even mix and match.

Website Bundle Deal Includes:

2GB cPanel
Domain Name*
LiteSpeed Server
Unlimited Emails

Divi Builder or
Divi Theme
Sever Signed SSL
WordPress Installed

How is this possible?
Developers license is active for each of our client projects on our servers. We are your support!


All services are provided via our datacenter servers. Should you cancel, move you will need to purchase your own licenses.

* Domain name can be new .com value $18 / year or less. Existing or you purchase your own and we’ll provide you with the name servers to enter on your previous or current domain.

We do not offer refunds on bundle deals, digital labor and or web services.

~ We just don’t need too, we’re here for you!

Some Popular Questions

24 Hour Worldwide Sales & Support
Toll Free 877-619-6609 in Austin, Texas.

Domain Name

Over the years we’ve been very fortunate not to loose a domain to a scam or old deleted email. It’s vital to keep your domain names protected and private is also a good option. It’s to mostly help reduce the junk email. What we offer is to manage your new (.com) or existing domain transfer valued at $18 a year or less. We can do this via our domain accounts then you not have to worry about any emails regarding your domain we’ll keep it renewed for you. Until you cancel of course. It’s all included in the Website Bundle Deal!

HostCops Secured Hosting

The creator of TD has many website projects as well as clients of course. HostCops has been providing “Secured Website Hosting” since 2004. It was not always public but now it is and it’s the service the Website Bundle Deal is hosted on.  There are 7 data centers located globally with 24/7 support maintaining all of our clients. We’ll make sure your website is online and if any issues just open the chat for support right here on our home page.


We install this service for all Website Bundle Deals. It’s a vital part of website protection. Just like you lock your home, car doors you need to keep the bad guys out of your website. Hackers try to login all kinds of ways and Wordfence keeps them out. The free version is good, but you can get many more controls by upgrading such as country controlled access plus much, much more.

TD is TemplateDiscount

TD is and this domain name was registered in 2003 by someone else. We purchased it a few years ago and finally due to the crisis had time to work on our own projects. We want your business to succeed, so you’ll renew next year! That’s our goal, in order to do that we’ve got to keep you happy 🙂


Currently, as of October 2020 it’s the most popular CMS website software in use. There are two options to choose from. (is a free service online). (is the free software) we use on the Website Bundle Deal. It’s installed on your account and your in control of your website! Just keep it family friendly, nothing illegal as datacenters, hosting etc.. have bots to keep the sites in check. Thank you!


Yes, we offer customizations for $450 and up. Totally depends on your project. This includes 10 standard business pages. Home, About, Services, Gallery, Contact, etc.. 

Contacting us here at TD is easy.
